I get this email from a guy I dated hmmmm couple years ago for about a month. I can sum up real quickly the pain he cause me - he broke up with me because he and my ex friend felt they we're soul mate; that they we're meant for each other. My ex friend whom I've know since 10th grade - a friend I share all my secrets with. Well she threw our friendship out the door for this guy - a guy she saw over lunch with me sitting right there. Was he worth it? I don't even care to know the answer to that question. I was a mess - I was hurt more by her then him. And I will never trust her again. Trust is earned and when it's broken it's hard to fix. It's funny how he can email me and pretend that nothing has happen. What gives - time does heal all wounds but time doesn't make you forget what has happen.
Joe and I met at Starbucks (we both love coffee) on a
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