February 13, 2008

Getting home from work was terrible last night – ice rain ice rain ICE. The worst part is being stuck in a car for 4.5 hours with strangers. Left work at 3:30pm and didn’t get home till 9pm. Joe left work at 6pm and got home at 6:50pm. I was sitting in the express lane and I think it would have taken me 1 hour or less to walk to his work.

It was awful!!!! Hopeful evening rush hour today won't be so bad, but who knows. Calling for snow/rain. It's raining now.


I was looking at my yarn collection and realize man I have a lot of yarns. What can I make with these? On my list of 101 goals: a baby blanket. I should work on it; my sister’s baby is due late May/early June.

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